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What We Do

We work hard to understand the true earning potential of each person we evaluate. From meticulous research to incisive interviews, we offer a full range of services to meet your unique needs.  We ensure that every report we deliver is on time and on budget.

Earning Capacity for Imputed Earnings
Assessment Services

Earning Capacity assessment for imputed earnings in marriage dissolution includes a clinical interview with the client, and analysis of existing data to include collection of background information to decipher pertinent information affecting employability. A thorough assessment of labor market information is also conducted in order to formulate actionable vocational objectives.


Vocational Experts of Utah conducts labor market analysis by using data gathered by the U.S. and Utah Departments of Labor -through the Dictionary of Occupational Titles, as well as data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Job market availability can be assessed using the Utah Department of Workforce Services.


We have the unique ability to calculate competitive levels of salaries, incentives and total compensation by geographic area, industry, organization size and salary planning date according to actual years of experience in a given vocation.  A vocational assessment to determine an individual's capacity for work may be administered in circumstances when there is no existing work history. Additional fees apply.






A vocational assessment is used to assess employability by administering a battery of tests to evaluate academic achievement, cognitive aptitudes, personality and implications for employment.


Labor market research to explore job outlook, earnings, qualifications/training requirements for specific job titles within an appropriate geographical area are also assessed.


Assessments Available
  • CAPS -Career Ability Placement Survey

  • COPES- Career Orientation Placement and Evaluation

  • COPS-Career Occupational Preference System

  • Human Metrics Personality​

  • TABE -Test of Adult Basic Education

  • Transferable Skills Analysis

  • Functional Capactiy Assessment

  • other upon request

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